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RE for Small Congregations

Only a Few Children was written by Dorothy Spoerl, a vital historic Unitarian Universalist minister and religious educator, in 1979. Small congregations, or congregations with few children (and those are not necessarily the same) comprise a major portion of the Unitarian Universalist congregations. Material from workshops by this same name will be updated and included in this section. This section is devoted to the proposition that these congregations provide a rich educational experience for all ages.


A major resource for small congregations and congregations with small religious education programs is the Church of the Larger Fellowship.

While You’re Growing. Strategies and Resources for Small Religious Education Programs. By Betty Jo Middleton.  $7.50 US.  $2.50 shipping and handling. Published June 2003. $7.50 US; $10 US by mail.

Apple Soup
203 West Glendale Avenue
Alexandria, Virginia 22301-2452
703 549 4951

The Northeast District of the UUA was the first district to have a Small Church Specialist. The Small Church Specialist for Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont is:

Rev. Karen Brammer
District Office of UUA
10 Free Street, Concord, NH 03301

All materials copyright © 2008-2024 by Helen Zidowecki unless otherwise noted. - -

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