(NOTE: Please review the Introduction before using this Session Plan. Thank you.)

STORY SYNPOSIS: A daisy grew out of Mayzie's head. Why? How? And how could she get rid of it? (10 minutes)

AFFIRMATIONS: Everyone is special

THEME: Unexpected happenings

PREPARATION: Think of something about yourself over which you have no control, but about which you are self-conscious. How do you deal with this?

NEEDED: Daisy-Head Mayzie, Random House, 1994

OPENING: Selected by the group. This can be used each session.

CHECK-IN: Welcome. Each person says his or her name. Allow time for each person to briefly tell something that went well since the group last met, or something that did not go well.

Leave an empty chair or space for someone who is missing from the group that day, or to recognize that others are welcome to be invited to join the group.

Daisy-Head Mayzie
Pattern for making daisies (not included here), white construction paper, yellow marker for center.

When something happens that you have not experienced before, how do you find out why or what it means? What happens when there is no answer?
Have you ever felt self-conscious about something, like saying lines or singing before a large group?
Have you ever had people give you ideas on what you should do? What do you do when it gets confusing (too many ideas) or you really do not want to follow any of the ideas?
What do you do when someone wants to help you because it would really help them? (Like the Wheeler and Dealer)
How does it feel to be lonely (even if you are famous)? What do you do when you
think that no one loves you? How do you find assurance that you are loved?
What would you say or do for someone who told you that no one loved them?

Activity options
Make daisies with an odd number of petals (7 petals are shown on the daisies in the book.)
Touching the first petal, name a way that you know that you are loved. This can be written on the petal. Repeat on every petal.
Affirmation Daisy can be made by writing a key word on each petal to show the

Example of the words: Everyone is important. important
We are fair and kind to each other. kind
Church is a place where we learn together. community
We are always learning for ourselves. learning
We have a say about things that are important to us. responsible
We help make the world better for everyone. love and peace
We help take care of our world. universe
In a circle, each participant is invited to share which petal they like the best at that moment, and why. So, when things go right
And when things go wrong
My daisy is just there
To cheer me along.
Sometimes the daisy is wilted
And needs my tender care,
But mostly it just reminds me
There is love, and lots to spare!
What did they like about the session? (theme, activities, someone special being there, etc.)

Announce the story for the next session and who will be the adult facilitator, or if there are special events in the time before they meet again.

© Rev. Helen Zidowecki, May 2003